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New Frontier Calgary Soccer​

Kaylie Rodriguez has written about the "Do's and Don'ts of Parents of Athletes." Read up about these suggestions clicking HERE.



1Up Soccer 2024 Spring Camp


Kaylie Rodriguez spoke to over 250+ athletes and their parents around mental skill straining, pregame nerves, visualization and imagery, and success. Click HERE to watch.


News Interviews


Interview with City News reporter with Silvia Naranjo Guarderas about the June 2024 Calgary water crisis. Click HERE to listen in.


Interview with City News reporter Silvia Naranjo Guarderas about the violence in downtown Calgary April 2023. Click HERE to listen in.



Podcast Interviews


Interview with Virgin Radio Morning Show for Bell Let's Talk Day. Click HERE to listen in.I


Podcast Interview with "Let's Talk it Out" #StomptheStigma. Click HERE to listen in.


Podcast Interview with AnnDee King and "The Magnetic Guide Podcast." Click HERE to listen in.


Podcast Interview with Brad Walsh and the "Empowerography" podcast. Click HERE to listen in.


Podcast Interview with "The Hum Zinger." Click HERE to listen in.


Podcast Interview with "The Wealth and Wellness Podcast with Kalee Boisvert." Click HERE to listen to "Your Feelings are Valid."


Podcast Interview with Julie Walz of the "Flip N' Shift" Podcast speaking about i-Disorder. Click HERE to Listen in.


Podcast Interview with "The HUM Zinger" discussing "The Four Agreements." Click HERE to listen in.



2021 Conference Speaking Engagements:


March 6, 2021: WOW, The Virtual Experience. A conference for women. A day of connection, conversation and collaboration. 


January 28, 2021: The National Hope Conference. Topic on Holistic Self-Care.


January 4-7, 2021: YYC Fempreneur Conference. Speaking to women about Empowering Yourself.





Past Events Online

Group Hypnotherapy Focusing on Removing Worries 

Friday May 15th, 6:30pm-8:00pm 2020

Online link will be sent out


In this online workshop, participants will learn what hypnosis is and the benefits to it. I will conduct a few suggestibility tests to give you the opportunity to explore what your more dominant sense is (taste, sight, hear, touch or smell) as well as how open you are to the process. I will then conduct a hypnotherapy group session (roughly 60min) with a focus on removing worries. There will be some time reserved at the end for questions, reflections and discussion. Participants will be contacted with login information prior to the event.



What is Codependency (Part Two) 


Joy and Vitality Centre - Unit 1106, 163 Quarry Park Blvd S.E.


Who am I? How do you begin to answer this question? Sometimes we have become so reflexive in our patterns of behavior and our reactions that we are disconnected from ourselves. We subconsciously behave in particular ways to seek relief from discomfort that we aren’t always aware we are feeling.


Often, we look to our externals, our roles, and our occupation to define who we are as a person. Begin to explore building a relationship with yourself and learn how to identify your feelings. Learn how to move away from unhealthy relationship patterns through boundaries.


What are boundaries? How do I set boundaries? As you become aware of the patterns that are no longer serving you, you can begin to explore boundaries with people, places and things. Learn how to navigate healthy boundaries and take steps into action.


Participants will end the session with a 30 minute hypnotherapy session with an emphasis on affirmation building. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that helps to align the conscious and subconscious minds so they work

collaboratively to achieve a goal.


Ticket information coming shortly.






Boundaries, What are They?

March 13 from 6-8pm, 2020

Suite 16, 12110 40th Street S.E.


Simply put, do you find it hard to say “no” to people? Do you find it difficult to follow through with your “no?” Are you feeling overwhelmed and sucked into the happenings around you? You hear the word boundaries routinely. But the challenge is, what are they and how do you do this? Learn what boundaries are, how to determine where you may need them, and then how to implement them!


Empowering Yourself - a workshop for women

January 31 from 6-8pm, 2020

Suite 16, 12110 40th Street S.E.


​Does that voice inside your head hold you back from going for it? Does it tell you that you aren’t good enough? That you are falling short? Does it hold you back from speaking up? Do you find that you compare yourself to others? Do you feel uncomfortable to look at yourself in the mirror? Shame manifests in so many ways. It also is generated by sources all around us. Come together in this workshop to learn about shame, how it can be sneaky and subtle, or loud and debilitating. Learn how to identify it, challenge it, and come together in a safe and vulnerable space. We all experience shame. Each participant will leave with an affirmation specific to them and an enhanced sense of community.


What is Codependency (Part One)

February 8 from 3-5pm, 2020

Joy and Vitality Centre - Unit 1106, 163 Quarry Park Blvd S.E.


Do you find that you put the needs of others above your own? Does your happiness depend on the happiness of others? Do you judge yourself critically? Do you struggle to say “no?” Do you feel the need
to be liked by others? Are you afraid to speak your opinion if it is different than the rest of the group?
Do you try to convince others what to think, do, or feel? Do you offer unsolicited advice to others? Do you feel showing your emotions is a sign of weakness? Do you do things out of obligation?
Answering yes to any of these questions suggests a vulnerability to codependency. Despite there being such a range of behavioral patterns, at the core is codependent behavior. We are all born codependent.

As an example, we rely on our parents to care and provide for us to survive. As parents, we can seek comfort in keeping our children “safe.” As we grow, we need to healthily detach (both as the parent and the child) and have our own experiences. Many of us don’t learn healthy detachment and can find ourselves struggling in our relationship with self and others. This can appear in any and all areas of life such as family, work, friendships, and intimate (or lack of) relationships.

Learn about codependency and how it can manifest through compulsive patterns of denial, control, avoidance, low self-esteem, and compliance. As you begin to examine your own patterns, you can start to build awareness around your vulnerabilities. Stay tuned for Part Two on March 22nd, to learn how to take action through building a relationship with yourself and boundary setting.


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